2 Corinthians 5:14-15

For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Story of the Woman Who Walked

Last week during our vision trip to Manta (the same trip that I mentioned in my last post, "The Story of the Little Girl Who Prayed), our group had the amazing opportunity to take part in a baptism ceremony at the beach. Several of the new churches that have been planted last year and this year through the Stadia - Compassion International partnership decided to get together to have a joint baptism ceremony for the folks that have made decisions to follow Christ. We had the privilege to see 43 people baptized and to share their joy as we celebrated with them. 

Note the last photo of the woman in the chair. She has been unable to walk for at least the last four years, but she decided to be baptized, so these four men carried her in a plastic chair all the way down the beach, into the water, she was baptized while still sitting in that chair, and then they carried her back to the shore.

Sister Rosa, the wife of the church planting couple that has been planting churches in this region of Ecuador for the last 25 years or so (and an amazing woman of God), was speaking with another lady after this baptism. In the middle of their conversation, Rosa said, "Excuse me, but the Holy Spirit is speaking to me." With that, Rosa walks over to the woman in the chair, puts up her hand and says, "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to get up and walk!" And she walked! And walked, and walked. 

In case you have any doubt that she really did walk, here is a video (I hope you all can view it - I don't know what permissions might be attached... but if you can't, I've at least added a still image.)

Words cannot fully describe how I feel to have been privileged to have been there, to have been a part (as an observer) of such a miracle of healing. My eyes tear up every time I think about it. The things that we saw an heard and experienced just last week were truly awesome. I'll share more of the stories from that one, single, week-long trip in the days to come - stories of more miracles and joyful, heart-wrenching stories. And this was only the second trip that I've been a part of in the month that I've been here. If that was one week, what do the next 2+ years hold? I can hardly wait to find out.

Thank you, God, for calling me here, for allowing me to be a part of your Kingdom work here in Ecuador. Thank you for the beautiful faith of the believers here. Thank you for their depth of trust in You. Thank you for setting before me such amazing examples of Your disciples from whom I can learn so, so much. Lord, open my eyes that I might see, open my ears that I might hear and understand, grow my faith, teach me and use me in this place. All I am is Yours. 

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